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Cornerstone curriculum exceptions

Most of our curriculum is covered in Cornerstones; however, there are some exceptions:

R.E. and Cultural Diversity

We use Religious Education to promote the school’s co-operative values, namely: democracy, equality, equity and solidarity, self-help & self-responsibility. Children are encouraged to work together, to discuss what is right and fair, and to consider what we can do to help ourselves, our community and the wider world. These school values help to support the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of children, helping them to better understand the world and their place in it. We follow the Thurrock Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2016-2021. R.E. is a statutory part of the curriculum; parents/carers have the right to withdraw their child from religious assemblies. Requests regarding such withdrawals should be given in writing to the Headteacher.

Physical Education

Physical Education (P.E.) is defined as learning to develop and care for the human body through movements produced by skeletal muscles. The prime purpose of P.E. is for all children to develop an understanding of the significant benefits that come from leading a physically active lifestyle. Our broad and balanced curriculum will give all children the chance to practise, experiment and compete in an enjoyable, stimulating and appropriately challenging environment. The range of activities, along with high-quality teaching, seek to ensure that children enjoy success and are motivated to further develop their health and fitness. This academic year we have introduced the Daily Mile, which involves children completing a two lap course around our school grounds.

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

PSHE is an important part of your child's national curriculum learning. We follow the Jigsaw scheme which consists of six Jigsaw Puzzles (half-termly units) designed so the whole school can study different pieces of the same puzzle at the same time. The puzzles are sequential and developmental throughout each academic year, they are:

  1. Being Me in My World
  2. Celebrating Difference
  3. Dreams & Goals
  4. Healthy Me
  5. Relationships
  6. Changing Me


We provide pupils with an enquiry based science curriculum, which covers biology, chemistry and physics. The school curriculum is aligned to the new National Curriculum and gives pupils a platform to be confident to ask questions about their world and enables them to become independent in discovering answers. As science and its fundamentals are an important part of understanding life, pupils are taught the essential processes of science through six different enquiry types. These include observing over time, grouping and classifying, noticing patterns, research and comparative and fair testing. As a school, we follow Snap Science; a scheme of work which encourages the learning of science through enquiry and reflection. Snap Science promotes practical learning through the different enquiry types and high-quality resources support the children’s learning. French In Key Stage 2 teachers follow the Rigolo scheme of work.

Modern Foreign Languages (French)

French lessons are taught from Year 3 and are designed to incorporate the three ‘pillars’ of language learning (phonics, grammar and vocabulary). These are built upon across each unit and throughout Key Stage 2 with regular opportunities to revisit and consolidate learning. We follow the Language Angels scheme which ensures that children are being exposed to high-quality models of spoken language from native speakers. French lessons incorporate useful everyday french language, aswell as access to songs and stories to broaden experience and application of language. Within lessons children are give opportunities to listen to, speak, read and write using the french language.


At Arthur Bugler we believe that technology is at the forefront of education, as such it is imperative that we provide an environment that is plentiful in technology and the opportunities it provides, in order to prepare our pupils for a world where they will use it every day.  We aim to provide a broad curriculum, rich in the use of technology to enhance learning. We follow the Teach Computing scheme of work (adapted where needed to facilitate the needs of the pupils) which gives a broad and balanced progressive curriculum developing an understanding of computing systems, how to create media, storing data and information, designing and development, understanding of networks, programming including algorithms and online safety and security . In addition, we want the children to understand the dangers that technology brings and provide a safe environment where we talk about the dangers of using the internet.

If you are looking for something specific about our curriculum and you can't find it on our website please contact our Curriculum Lead via the school office.